
Tuesday 4 December 2012

[Planetside 2] Teleport and Below Ground Hack

Abused this for a couple of days, now I'm bored with it. This is just a very basic teleport hack, and also a hack that will let you either walk under the ground or 'skywalk'.

The main reason I'm releasing this is that Planetside 2 is really boring, and that this hack was so easy to write that I wouldn't be surprised if 50% of Planetside players were already teleporting around. I could probably teach my cat to find the player coordinates and change them with a memory editor.

It's all pretty straight forward, run the hack from a command prompt once you've launched the game, then use the following controls:
Numpad+ = Walk higher
Numpad- = Walk lower
Numpad/ = Reset height
Numpad* = Teleport to personal waypoint

The teleport hack is a tad buggy because occasionally the pointer(s) I'm using to read out the personal map waypoint will decide to change. Just go into your map then do a "Clear Waypoints" then reset it to whatever waypoint you want and it will work again.

As for the walking height hack, I have no clue what's going on there as far as the physics engine is concerned. I found it by accident whilst looking for something else so I didn't bother investigating what's actually going on. It's really weird and buggy if you try to walk underneath vehicles etc (read: it will teleport you up in the air and likely kill you), but if you're careful you should be able to go on an insane killing spree. For example, I went 350-0 on my server before getting bored and killing myself. It's a little glitchy though when you're walking under the terrain, so you'll need to practice and learn where you can and can't go, how to get past certain walls (usually just go really really low then pop back up), where to get ammo down (typically inside rocks, on stairwells, etc, you normally don't need to come back up to ground level to get it down), etc.

Anyway, code and binary below. The code is disgusting and I don't care (code is bad and I should feel bad, etc). I whipped it up really quickly as a PoC for some friends, then got bored with it when we realized how boring Planetside was. This hack has survived at least 3 client patches that I'm aware of without needing to be updated, so it should be fairly 'low maintenance'. Nevertheless, don't expect updates from me, the hack is extremely trivial to update for even the most dimwitted of monkeys (any old memory scanner and debugger should do). That being said, if you actually go to the trouble of finding a more reliable way to read the personal waypoint (there's probably an engine function for it, but I haven't looked) or find something else useful please do post it here for others.

Now I'm rambling to the point where this post has nearly taken longer to write than the actual hack, so I'll shut up now...


Planetside2 v0.473.22.176761 **SHIPPING**
Planetside2 v0.483.26.180118 **SHIPPING**

Uploaded updated hack for new client patch (Planetside2 v0.483.26.180118 **SHIPPING**).

1 comment:

  1. Hi guy, working perfect, can you add theses library :

